Intervention on a place consolidates.
Awareness of architecture as an intervening time matrix.
Awareness of form and matter as configurative elements of the architectural object.
Understanding of drawing as a strategic process of exploration, communication and affirmation of the projected and legitimate content.
Fondamentalisation of the notion of materiality and of importance in the definition of the architectural object in a specific context
Understanding of drawing as a strategic process of exploration, communication and affirmation of projected and legitimized content.
Use the site and its topographic material as an instrument of the project.
Use the program as the project’s pretext.
Use the site and the program as feature elements of space.
Use the project as a rigorous representation process of a thought.
Use the space and materiality as a formal expression synthetic.
On the left of the Convent of Flor da Rosa, Crato, Portalegre District