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Santa Marinha Convent

Location: Guimarães, Portugal Architect: Fernando Távora Model Scale: 1: 100 Year: 1972-1985 Known as convento santa marinha da costa – guimarães, in the 20th century, the intention to convert the former monastery into an inn, with a project by the… Read More »Santa Marinha Convent

Casa da Moeda

Location: Lisbon, Portugal Architect: Jorge de Almeida Segurado (architect, 1898-1990) / Adolfo Queiroz de Sousa (engineer) Model Scale: 1: 50 Year: 1931-1941 Administrative and industrial complex located on a plot of quadrangular configuration, uneven, and with a slightly oblique layout… Read More »Casa da Moeda

Casa Barroso Pires

Location: Ponte da Barca, Viana do Castelo Architect: Manuel Botelho Model Scale: 1: 50 Year: 1984 – 1987

Casa do Ciprestre

Location: Sintra, Portugal Architect: Raul Lino Model Scale: 1: 100 Year: 1907-1912 Casa do Cipreste, one of the works that most marked the professional life of Architect Raul Lino, was built in the middle of Serra de Sintra, in São… Read More »Casa do Ciprestre